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About Judith Moresby

Welcome to my website. Here's a little background which led me here....


I started painting for pleasure in my 20’s. I painted acrylics, oils and water colour. I learned the basics of oils from Anna Robinson (an accomplished and recognised painter) who was taking group lessons not far from where I lived.

Having a full time job with two daughters meant I had little time to spare. So I shelved my interest but always knew that one day I would take it up again.

Approximately 15 years ago my interest was rekindled when on an overseas holiday in Scotland. My husband and I found ourselves doing an art gallery hop around the Isle of Skye. I became excited again at the possibilities the artist has to express views of the world through their eyes. I couldn't wait to get home and start painting again.

I am mostly self taught, I just want to paint and do it my way. Hence I find my style changes as I go from one idea to another. I paint what interests me and need to change from one topic to another to challenge myself.I paint mostly in oils.

I joined a ‘Plein Air' group and found painting outside a new challenge which I have come to love. To paint Plein Air or Alla Prima one has to paint very fast as light and views change rapidly. For example I have started painting a view across mud flats with gorgeous colours and light across a bay only to find an hour or so later the tide lapping at my feet and the view of mudflats changed to water!  

Recently I made contact with another professional and well known NZ artist, Russell Hollings. I often visit Russell's Onehunga gallery in Auckland. I enjoy discussing ideas and techniques used in painting. He has generously shared his knowledge and views which is helping me on my journey.We paint out together regularly.

So in looking at my website I invite you to look at the world through my eyes. If you see something that moves you or draws you in, then I have  succeeded in sharing something with you.

A purchased painting ready for delivery.

A purchased painting ready for delivery.

I do sell, so if you want any of my original paintings shown on this website, please use the enquiry messaging page. I look forward to hearing from you, any comments, critiques and enquiries are very welcome. 

Yours, through love of painting, Judith Moresby


Auckland 2017

Auckland 2018

Akaroa 2018 and 2019

Timaru 2019

Bucklands Beach 2018 and 2019

Howick Art Competition 2021 First-Seascape,First-Landscape,First-Portrait,Second-StillLife,Best In Show.